Saturday, July 25, 2020

Personality Tests May Be Costing Young Workers Jobs - Workology

Personality Tests May Be Costing Young Workers Jobs - Workology Personality Tests May Be Costing Young Workers Jobs The move to online applications has allowed employers to reach an ever-expanding pool of candidates. Its a change thats had both good and bad effects for employers and applicants alike. Its more likely that a truly perfect fit of applicant and organization will have the chance to find each other, but its less likely those two parties will hear each other. The more candidates applying for a job, the harder it is to filter through that pool to find the ones that really fit. The more job postings a candidate sees, the harder it is for them to figure out where to start and what positions have the most potential for them. The sheer volume of applications that organizations now deal with is a big part of why online surveys and personality tests have become a standard part of the online application process. These tests neatly categorize applicants into seemingly useful categories: didnt read the instructions, noped out before the end, extremely weird, basically ok, and possibly the right cultural fit. Recruiters can use these results to decide which resumes to click and which to discard; which candidates to move forward with and which to let go. But theres something about surveys and tests they have a semblance of real legitimacy even when theyre cobbled together last minute by an HR assistant or a junior marketer. Even when you know your survey is far from scientific, its results may carry real weight with you, influencing your opinion of candidates to the point of weighing against your real life impression. Sure they did well in the interview, but their quiz answers were a little weird, werent they? Thats not to say that every personality survey or quiz used by employers is nonsense naturally some are better designed than others but I think its worth questioning how much we should be relying on them. Especially when we know that many surveys and tests have in-built biases. Personality Tests May Be Costing Young Workers Jobs A new report from JobsFirstNYC shows a correlation between the rise of personality tests and a drop in youth employment. They point out that personality tests have become de rigueur for entry-level jobs despite the fact that young workers are among the groups that perform worst on industry standard tests. Like many intelligence tests, personality tests have an ideal candidate in mind with a certain background and experiences that young workers may not have. These tests are easily gamed by savvy test takers, while those who are less familiar with the format of the test unfairly wash out. via JobsFirstNYC Have you ever done career coaching? Interview prep sessions are often teach to the test, helping candidates to reflect back exactly what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. The more experienced you are with the interview process, the better you get at it. The same is true for personality tests. Think of it this way: ever gamed a Buzzfeed quiz because you didnt want to tell your Facebook friends youre a Lannister, not a Stark? Everyone taking your intake survey or test wants to reveal themselves to be perfect for the role. Some test takers are better at figuring out the right answers than others, but they arent necessarily the right people for the job. Inexperienced workers are less likely to know all the tricks built into your survey and they shouldnt be penalized for that. But even beyond potential biases in personality tests, JobsFirstNYC points out that many of them contain questions that violate the Civil Rights Act. Corporations such as Target and CVS have settled enforcement actions alleging that their pre- employment personality tests violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many applications completed by JobsFirstNYC’s recruits resembled those challenged as unlawful. JobsFirstNYC contacted companies that screened jobseekers with personality tests to see whether the tests had been established as being valid and job related. No company confirmed that its test had been independently validated. Not only have tests skipped a scientific review to ensure they really measure what you want measuring, they also havent been approved by a lawyer. Even companies that use third parties to design their personality tests, ostensibly experts in their field, have been challenged in court over them. So, if personality tests deliver uncertain results of dubious legality and unfairly penalize young workers, why the heck does anyone use them? I started out this piece by talking about the high volume of applications that recruiters and hiring managers face, and thats because I think its the whole answer to these questions. Personality tests provide a method to winnow your candidate pool into something more manageable. And because theyre surveys or tests they seem a lot more legitimate than randomly selecting 10 resumes to read.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Avoid These Bad Habits and Behaviors in Your Job Search

Stay away from These Bad Habits and Behaviors in Your Job Search Stay away from These Bad Habits and Behaviors in Your Job Search Negative behavior patterns can be slippery. They frequently start harmlessly, and after some time, can turn into a piece of your character. While some unfortunate propensities like splitting gum or biting your fingernails-probably won't influence your regular day to day existence too adversely, you may have framed some negative behavior patterns that are impeding your pursuit of employment. Keep steady over your pursuit of employment game by maintaining a strategic distance from these negative behavior patterns: Lateness It's far-fetched that you'll hear a questioner shout, I'm so happy you were 20 minutes late for our meeting! Instead, you may need to reschedule, or more terrible, pass up your meeting opportunity inside and out. So with regards to time the board abilities, ensure yours are overly sharp. Regardless of whether it implies going out a decent half hour or more sooner than you have to, being on time is significant for any prospective employee meeting. Lethargy Regardless of whether you imagine that your achievements represent themselves (or you're somewhat worn out from work scanning for such a long time), presenting a ho-murmur employment form isn't going to turn out huge in an expected supervisor's eyes. All things considered, your questioner needs to feel your eagerness for the activity and the organization going over in your employment form. Composing a nonexclusive To the responsible party in question on your introductory letter, not clarifying how your work experience makes you a strong counterpart for the activity, or not communicating your enthusiasm for working for (and developing with) the organization would all be able to represent a mark against you. Distraction Dont overlook cutoff times. Dont overlook names of key individuals during prospective employee meet-ups. Dont neglect to pose inquiries. Dont overlook all the reasons you were eager to begin a new position search in any case! There are loads of things to recollect and monitor during your pursuit of employment, so if youre known to be absent minded, think of a framework for forestalling that. For example, you might need to record everything, or set schedule updates. Make sense of what works best for you. Reviling Your Boss Regardless of whether you've had a past supervisor from-heck, it's ideal to be hush-hush with regards to potentially saying something negative regarding him. In case you're going after a job inside a similar industry as your past activity, there's a genuinely tolerable possibility that your planned supervisor may know him-and your merciless comments could eliminate your position talk with short. In case you're asked about for what valid reason you left your previous job (and it was for the most part a direct result of your chief), refer to another explanation, for example, you grew out of your job, or you worked at the organization for quite a while and you need to have a go at something new. Being Aggressive or Apathetic You need to establish a positive connection upon your questioner, which means being considerate, expert, and agreeable. Be that as it may, credit it to a huge number of variables, for example, nerves or being clumsy with regards to talking, and your disposition could appear to be something unintended. In case you're ravenous for the activity, attempt to mitigate your energy, which might convert into a forceful or reckless character. Furthermore, at the other outrageous, make a point to let your character radiate through in the prospective employee meeting to abstain from seeming impassive or uninterested in the job. Be legitimate during your prospective employee meet-up so as to establish the most ideal connection.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Searching For Top Resume Writing Services in Western Massachusetts?

<h1>Searching For Top Resume Writing Services in Western Massachusetts?</h1><p>Resume composing administrations in Western Massachusetts can be as basic as a solitary bit of paper. They can compose a resume in only a couple of moments. Composing a resume has become an essential piece of discovering work. An elegantly composed resume will make sure about the consideration of bosses while making a positive impression in the brains of their employees.</p><p></p><p>One of the principle employments of resume composing administrations is for work searchers. These experts make a perfect resume that is very much idea out and intended to address the issues of businesses. A resume is the thing that businesses take a gander from the start while deciding if they should recruit another worker. Their necessities are not quite the same as those of the worker. Bosses search for a resume that shows capacity, training, experience, and how well the potential wo rker coordinates the requirements of the company.</p><p></p><p>Job searchers may utilize a resume to assist them with finding their fantasy work. This expert can make an ideal resume, yet in addition introductory letter and individual proclamation also. These experts realize how to compose these areas and how to appropriately make them fit the necessities of the employer.</p><p></p><p>Job searchers must consider a few things before settling on where to get a resume composing administration. The initial step is to do some exploration on work postings. Employment sheets are an incredible spot to begin, as they have a database of occupations posted by organizations everywhere throughout the nation. Occupation sheets additionally approach data about accessible occupations, including what you should remember for your resume to discover a job.</p><p></p><p>Before you start your resume composing, the essayist will need to know how you anticipated getting the data on your resume to the business. This incorporates doing research and ensuring you had the opportunity expected to do it. You should know where you went to class, what sort of employment you had, and what you concentrated in school. It is likewise critical to know whether you have any sort of degrees or testaments and how you plan to utilize them for the future.</p><p></p><p>Before presenting your resume, it is basic that the essayist incorporates the introductory letter too. The introductory letter will tell the recruiting chief why you are the most ideal individual for the activity. These letters are critical as they show the imminent boss how you identify with the set of working responsibilities and why you would be the best contender for the position.</p><p></p><p>Your resume ought to incorporate enough data to the business to assist them with settling on a choice regarding whether they should enlist you. The employing administrator will have the option to tell the composing style of the expert, their ability, and the uniqueness of your aptitudes. Ensure you remember all the important data for your resume to help in getting the activity you want.</p>

Friday, July 3, 2020

89 Percent Will Use Social Media for Recruiting

89 Percent Will Use Social Media for Recruiting A recent Jobvite survey showed 89% of employers will use social media for recruiting this year. For those currently using social media, 64% said they had hired people through a social network. John Zappe, provides an exceptionally informative article, More Employers Than Ever Recruit On Social Network elaborating on data from the Jobvite survey and Pew Research Centre report on social networking sites and our lives. Todays job search couldnt be more different than it was just a few years ago so if youre new to the scene be prepared for a huge learning curve! For many it may seem overwhelming but dont use the excuse that youre too old to change because over half of all social media users are over 35 years old! Most fears surrounding social media are unfounded and further research shows Facebook users are more trusting, get more social support, have closer relationships and are more politically engaged. You may also be surprised to know that only 7% of Facebook friends are people users have not met before and only 3% are people they have only met one time. If you are managing a career it may not be a prudent choice to ignore Facebook with 700 million users or Twitter with over 200 million users but without a Linkedin profile, currently with over 100 million users you are guaranteed to limit your job search success.